Shunammite Woman's Principles

A Great Woman
🔵 Share Generously

The Shunammite woman was not stingy with her God-given wealth. She didn’t stop at an occasional meal but generously provided a room for Elisha. She we... Learn more

🔵 Offer Hospitality (Insistently and Graciously)

Instead of being swayed by Elisha’s hesitancy to accept her gift of hospitality, the Shunammite woman graciously insisted he take it. She was intentio... Learn more

Special Discount

It’s hard to soar when you carry the weight of unforgiveness, past traumas, and bad decisions.” - Kelly Smith


Discount Available for Small Groups (5-10) & (11-20)

About Us

Best Motivational & Workshop Speaker in Brentwood

Welcome to Shunammite Enterprises LLC, a motivational speaker and workshop provider in Brentwood. Our company was inspired by the story of the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4:8–37, who demonstrated a servant's heart in action by providing hospitality and care for the prophet Elisha. We believe in embracing the principles that the Shunammite woman lived. Our main goal is to help women transform into Shunammite women by sharing generously, offer... Learn More

Our Focus

Is rooted in Jeremiah 1:9-10 AMP

Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said to me, Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.

10 See, I have this day appointed you to the oversight of the nations and of the kingdoms to root out and pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.

Everything we exist for is to assist those individuals who are willing to get to the root of their issues, pull down ... Learn More

Our Core Values

🔵 Share Generously

🔵 Offer Hospitality (Insistently and Graciously)

🔵 Be Cheerful and Support Others in Their Efforts to Be/Become Better

🔵 Always Seek to Serve

🔵 Cultivate Thankfulness and Gratitude

KSS - Speaker & Coaching Services

Ready to shake things up in your life? To live a transformed life, you first need a transformed mind.” Book Kelly Smith as a speaker for your next event, bible study, or annual conference, etc. Act now!
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Speaker & Coaching Services

Speaker & Coaching Services


Things to Note

Motivational speaker
Forgiveness & wholeness
Free consultation


April V.

I felt empowered...Kelly's presentation had a profound impact on me that day. It made me reflect on my spiritual beliefs and re-evaluate my relationship with God. 

Jul 7, 2023

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